
Packal (beta) puts Alfred Workflows and Themes at your fingertips.

Offering you 1638 Workflows and 211 Themes.

Random Workflows

Powerful Calculator for Alfred
Slack Feeling Lucky
Open a slack conversation based on the query
Actions for PDF viewer Skim
Granular control over opening apps
Open a Chrome bookmark with its profile
Alfred workflow to open a Chrome bookmark using its profile

New Workflows

Lastpass Search
Search LastPass for usernames, sites and passwords
Remove plain background from images using the removebg API.
Hotcorners toggle
Toggle hotcorners
Kill the desired port
Emoji Wine
Find the most refined emojis

Random Themes

Solarized Dark
A dark theme based on the Solarized colour scheme.
A Miami Vice inspired theme. Download wallpaper from screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/lRed2Sa.jpg
Old terminal like monochrome color theme and monospace font
An elegant, dark, and minimalistic theme focusing on selection emphasis and icon contrast for all workflow icons. This...
Frosty Dark: A dark theme fits macOS Mojave style!
  Frosty Dark: A dark theme fits...

Top Contributors

vitor's picture
(52 contributions)
raguay's picture
(51 contributions)
deanishe's picture
(33 contributions)
Shawn Patrick Rice's picture
(29 contributions)
pirafrank's picture
(15 contributions)