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My Workflows


Youtube Safari MP3

Download the music video playing in any tab of Safari as the MP3 in your Downloads folder.
updated: 5 years 2 weeks ago

Copy or Move Last Download to Here

Copy or Move last downloaded file to the current directory
updated: 5 years 4 weeks ago

Increase the last number found in the string N times

Increase the last number found in the string N times. Eg. images/file0.png ==> images/file1.png
updated: 4 years 8 months ago

Convert python2 to python3

Convert the python2 to python3 (Supports Keyword action, MacOS selection, Snippet Expansion, and File Action)
updated: 5 years 2 months ago

Simple TimeZone

Display Current Times of World Cities of Your Choice
updated: 5 years 9 months ago