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My Workflows


Tmux Workflow

Alfred workflow to manage tmux sessions, integrated with iTerm2. It can list current sessions, connect to them, kill them or create a new one. The connect or create action actually opens iTerm2 and connects to the session.
updated: 10 years 4 months ago

Switch System Ruby

A simple Ruby development workflow for Mavericks to switch system Ruby between 2.0.0 and 1.8.7.
updated: 10 years 4 months ago

Set Resolution

Handy workflow to change between available screen resolutions, even between normal and HiDPI mode (Retina).
updated: 10 years 4 months ago

Type Clipboard

Simple workflow to _write_ the clipboard content in those situations where ```⌘ → V``` doesn't work, typically in non Cocoa application dialogs. You have to go and paste with right clicking the mouse or pad... Atrocious!!
updated: 10 years 4 months ago

Screencapture Enhancer

Workflow to enhance OS X screencapture capabilities, particularly with the option to capture _last captured_ area and naming options.
updated: 10 years 4 months ago