
Packal (beta) puts Alfred Workflows and Themes at your fingertips.

Offering you 1638 Workflows and 211 Themes.

Random Workflows

Yet another alfred-pinboard workflow. It provides INSTANT pinboard search and various function
Play iTunes
Just type: pl [song|artist|album…]
New Arc Window (naw)
Open new Arc browser window on a specific space.
Wunderlist Workflow for Alfred
Unbelievably fast entry for tasks with due dates, reminders, and recurrence in Wunderlist
Alfred workflow to search for book summaries on various websites

New Workflows

Lastpass Search
Search LastPass for usernames, sites and passwords
Remove plain background from images using the removebg API.
Hotcorners toggle
Toggle hotcorners
Kill the desired port
Emoji Wine
Find the most refined emojis

Random Themes

Zim zim
A dark theme with selection enphasis
A Miami Vice inspired theme. Download wallpaper from screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/lRed2Sa.jpg
Transparent Light
A small, *lightweight* theme for Alfred that is built look beautiful with MacOS Mojave. By default the...
Been trying to build some themes based on popular colour palettes I'm found online. Thought this one turned out quite...
Smooth Teal
A simple dark teal green theme using Lucida Grande

Top Contributors

vitor's picture
(52 contributions)
raguay's picture
(51 contributions)
deanishe's picture
(33 contributions)
Shawn Patrick Rice's picture
(29 contributions)
pirafrank's picture
(15 contributions)