
Packal (beta) puts Alfred Workflows and Themes at your fingertips.

Offering you 1639 Workflows and 211 Themes.

Random Workflows

Find and Replace
Finds a word from the copied text and replace it.
Play with mpd
Quickly find and play albums using mpd (Music Player Daemon).
Search your bookmarks in Spillo
Search and create Bear notes from Alfred

New Workflows

Lastpass Search
Search LastPass for usernames, sites and passwords
Remove plain background from images using the removebg API.
Hotcorners toggle
Toggle hotcorners
Kill the desired port
Emoji Wine
Find the most refined emojis

Random Themes

Been trying to build some themes based on popular colour palettes I'm found online. Thought this one turned out quite...
Alfred Expert
Here's a new theme I conceived as something of an experiment. You won't see anything you type, just a...
Midnight Blue
A dark alfred theme with blue accent.
Zenburn Light
Started with default Alfred light theme and then adjusted with Zenburn colors (from the ...
Philadelphia Phillies
The Philadelphia Phillies team colors, their own brand of red, white and blue.

Top Contributors

vitor's picture
(52 contributions)
raguay's picture
(51 contributions)
deanishe's picture
(33 contributions)
Shawn Patrick Rice's picture
(29 contributions)
pirafrank's picture
(15 contributions)