
Packal (beta) puts Alfred Workflows and Themes at your fingertips.

Offering you 1638 Workflows and 211 Themes.

Random Workflows

QRCode Generator
Utilizing Google's API to generate an image of QRCode from what you typed or selected.
Laravel Nova Docs
An Alfred Workflow to Quickly Search the Laravel Nova Documentation
Postico Favorites
Opens favorites from Postico app
VMWare Control
Control VMWare Fusion instances.
Alfred 3 workflow to find Material Design Icons

New Workflows

Lastpass Search
Search LastPass for usernames, sites and passwords
Remove plain background from images using the removebg API.
Hotcorners toggle
Toggle hotcorners
Kill the desired port
Emoji Wine
Find the most refined emojis

Random Themes

Raycast Dark
An Alfred theme based on the design of Raycast, which looks natural and fits right in with MacOS.
Yosemite Neue Big
Light elegant theme with large transparent window and Helvetica Neue as font.
1944 Mustang
Soft and clean
An Old Hope
Hi there, I created a theme based on the [developer theme - An Old Hope](https://github.com/dustinsanders/an-old-hope-...
Paraiso Dark
Matches the Paraiso Dark theme: https://github.com/idleberg/atom-paraiso-dark

Top Contributors

vitor's picture
(52 contributions)
raguay's picture
(51 contributions)
deanishe's picture
(33 contributions)
Shawn Patrick Rice's picture
(29 contributions)
pirafrank's picture
(15 contributions)