
An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

Evernote workflow for Alfred 4

Last Updated

03 Nov 2020


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
Yes No No No No



Bundle ID





* Fast search using  * Preview feature using caching. * You can change your search details.


* Evernote Client on macOS (None App-store version)

* Node JS


How to use

### en

Switch to Evernote App.


### en > authtoken { Argument }

Argument: {`Your api key`}

This command is required only for the initial authentication process.

This command save the token value obtained from gettoken to a file.


### en > gettoken

This command is required only for the initial authentication process.

The command opens Chrome to the Evernote site.

When you log in to the site and press the authentication button, `oauthToken` is printed in json format.

Pass the value as a argument in the authoken command.


### en > help

Open Github link to view


### en > sync

Sync Evernote Client.


### en > savecache

Alfred-evernote-workflow use html cache to enable note preview feature.

This command save html caches of all of notes from your Evernote client. 

When the command is running, you are not able to run note searches with the `ens` command.

In this case, the `ens` command displays the number of notes that are cached to show you progress.

If caching is not done properly for some reason, you can use `en > clearcache` and this command to perform initial caching.

After initial caching, the cache will be updated automatically.


### en > clearcache

Delete all of your html caches.

If you delete all the cache and use the `ens`, you are likely to be caught in the sdk's api call limit.


### en > clearlog

Clean all command logs


### entodo

Search only for notes that have check boxes.


### encl 

Adds the text from the clipboard to the Evernote as a new note. 


### enclo

Adds the text from the clipboard to the Evernote as a new note and Open the note. 


### enc { Argument }

Argument: {`note content`}

Create note by text.


### enct

Argument: {`note title to create`}

Search tag name and create note by the selected tag and note content if you want.


### enu { Argument }

Argument: {`url to search with`}

If no argument exist, search for all notes with source URL.

Search Notes by url.


### ens { Argument }

Argument: {`content to search`}

Search the Evernote's notes.

If no argument exist, search for the most recent notes (may vary depending on options)

To change the search option, see the topic *Options.*


* #### *Shift key* + <kbd>Enter</kbd>

You can invoke the Quicklook by pressing the shift key for the `ens` search results.

Quicklook displays the note in html format.


* #### *Fn key* + <kbd>Enter</kbd>

You can view the source URL for that note by pressing the Fn key for the search results in theens.

And you can open the source URL by chrome by entering the item.

If the note does not contain a sourceURL, you will receive an error notification.


### enn { Argument }

Argument: {`content to search`}

Search the Evernote's notes in your Trash bin.

Note that the enter action for this command is to open the cache of the note in the Chrome browser.

(Not your Evernote client)

### ent { Argument }

Argument: {`tag name`}

Search Evernote's tag. You can filter notes by entering on that tag.

If no argument exist, search for all tags.

If you select the tag, the notes with the tag will be searched.

You can search these notes just like the `ens` command.


* #### *Command key* + <kbd>Enter</kbd>

By pressing the command key and pressing the entry, you can open the window for notes with that tag.


### enr { Argument }

Argument: {`content to search`}

Search only for notes that have reminder.


### enb { Argument }

Argument: {`notebook name`}

Search notes by Notebook.

If you select the notebook, the notes in that notebook will be searched.

If no argument exist, search for all notebooks.

You can search these notes again.


### enf { Argument }

1st Argument: {`file extension`}

2nd Argument: {`content to search`}

Search for notes with attachments of a specific extension.



``` // Search for pdf files with compiler in file name enf pdf compiler ```


### enl

Check your command usage log.

By selecting the corresponding log, you can execute the command.

The maximum number of logs to be stored can be specified in Options.

This command displays the same command only once.

enl supported commands : `ens`, `ent`, `enf`, `enr`, `enb`, `enu`, `noteopen`, `en > sync`, `entodo`


### enx { Argument }

Argument: {`content to search`}

Export the retrieved note to your Desktop path as html.
