
Generate relative dates based on a simple input format
updated 9 years 8 months ago

List and view details about installed Alfred extensions. Additional features added: Open in iTerm, Copy Path and Browse Data Directory.
updated 10 years 5 months ago

Actions for PDF viewer Skim
updated 9 years 11 months ago

Send documents to the cloud
updated 10 years 4 months ago

Encodes a string with HTML special characters
updated 10 years 1 month ago

Batch rename files or folders using Regular Expression
updated 10 years 6 months ago

Designed to help with building Alfred workflows efficiently. Shows the last Alfred workflow you were working on at the top of the list. Same with the data folder.
updated 10 years 5 months ago

Create and paste UUIDs
updated 10 years 6 months ago

Feeling indecisive? Let Alfred decide.
updated 10 years 6 months ago


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