For those who appreciate pink accent in macOS and wide width to see more content in descriptions, inline dictionary text, etc.
Programmer's Solarized Dark
(Alfred Theme)
This is a theme using Ethan Schnoover's Solarized color scheme, with the proper background and foreground sets. Additionally, it defaults to Menlo, as we programmers like our monospaced fonts (easier to read). It uses yellow for the selected result highlight, with blue and magenta button accents. The fonts are on the big side, with the window being made a bit wider. Hope you like it!
Clear Light Mind
(Alfred Theme)
noun, \ˈklir • ˈlīt • ˈmīnd\
1: A crisp, clean, modern, (dare I say sexy even?) very easy on the eyes theme that looks great with almost any background. Doesn't show off too much but it's not entirely shy either. This theme probably won't bring you inner peace or make you one with the universe, but it may just make you one with your Mac...well, and Alfred of course! And it could just be me, but I swear I could see Alfred smiling every time I use it.
2: In Buddhist teachings, our deepest, most subtle level of mind - one whose nature is non-dualistic and naturally blissful; state of pure consciousness that in many ways is the basis for enlightenment or self-realization.