Title Case Server

An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

Makes use of a local web app to convert title case.

Last Updated

05 Jun 2014


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
No Yes Yes Yes Yes



Bundle ID



Title Case Server

This workflow goes with an upcoming tutorial on using golang with Alfred on tutplus.com. It currently runs a small web app for doing title case conversions. The workflow has these commands:

Command Description
tcs:launch This will start the title case server on port 9910
tcs:stop This will stop the title case server
tcs:convert This will take a string on the Alfred prompt, send it to the title case server, and return the result in a notification and the clipboard.

It also has a hotkey specified to take the selected text, convert it, and paste it back in place. You will have to set the hotkey yourself. The go source code is included in the workflow. This is more a demonstration of what can be done with go and Alfred.