GoToMeeting Tools

An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

GoToMeeting phonebook and launcher

Last Updated

25 May 2017


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
Yes Yes Yes No No



Bundle ID



This is an Alfred 3 workflow meant to assist in managing GoToMeeting lines. Each phonebook entry is a valid GoToMeeting line number and a descriptor or name.

General installation

Usage Summary

  • go add <descriptor> <goto line # |>
  • go join <search pattern>
  • go update <search pattern>
  • go delete <search pattern>
  • go share <search pattern
  • go backup
  • go restore
  • go import <filename>

Usage Details

  • go add: is how you create new phonebook entries. The descriptor can be any combination of letters, numbers, and the following special characters: _, ., (, ), and . Any other characters will be stripped.

    • go add <description> <gotomeeting line number>: line number here should be in the form of 111222333 or 111-222-333.
    • go add <description> <gotomeeting url>: urls like or will be converted into a line number and added to the phonebook.
  • go join: is the method for launching a gotomeeting line. You can start searching on name or number, whichever you remember best :)
  • go update: lets you modify any entry's phone number. The order of operations is:

    • type go update and start searching for the entry you want to modify. Once you have the right one, select it and hit enter.
    • The Alfred field will update with the entry name and look something like go update Weekly Stand-up.
    • Add the 9-digit GoToMeeting line number that you wish to be the new number for that entry.
    • Once the number is completely entered, the correct entry will appear in the list. Select it and hit enter; the entry will be modified accordingly.
  • go delete: start typing to search for the entry you want to delete. Once it appears, select it and hit enter; that entry will be removed from the phonebook.
  • go share <search pattern>: Share a meeting URL. This is in the form of Join my GotoMeeting:, and is both copied to the clipboard and pasted into the foreground window. The pasting behavior can be altered in the "Copy to Clipboard" node in the workflow.
  • go backup: create a backup in the user's home directory (~/.gotoPhonebook) of the internal cpickle datastore that is human readable. This is essentially a comma-separated csv that can be modified. This can also be used as a format guide for a valid go import action.
  • go restore: overwrite the internal datastore with the contents of the backup in ~/.gotoPhonebook.
  • go import: import a file that replaces the current phonebook, or creates one if the user has no phonebook yet. The file must be a comma-separated csv in the form of "123456789","Useful description goes here".


  • handle webinars
  • Allow renaming of entries in addition to modifying line numbers
  • better error messaging to the user for bad urls vs no url supplied

Release Notes

  • 1.2.7: Patched a bug with osascript in OSX 10.12.5 - See

  • 1.2.6: moving to Alfred-Workflow 1.26

  • 1.2.5: fixing 100% cpu bug

  • 1.2.4: requiring 'requests' module

    • Gotomeeting requires the 'requests' python module in order to turn gotomeeting urls into line numbers. Please pip install requests or easy_install requests to add this module to your system.
  • 1.2.3: Fixing ICON calls (autoupdate should be working now)

    • ICON calls were written incorrectly, which was breaking a lot of things
    • autoupdate feature should now be working
  • 1.2.0: Turn a url into a phonebook entry

    • Added: New entry adding functionality, url instead of line number: go add <description> <> will now fetch a meeting number and turn it into a phonebook entry.
  • 1.1.2: Sharing is Caring (and reading is fun)

    • Added: ability to share a gotomeeting url from alfred.
    • Added: the full phonebook is now listed by default if the query is empty.
  • 1.1.0: Backup/restore, plus joining lines without an entry

    • Added ability to backup the phonebook from internal cpickle format
    • Added ability to restore from said backup
    • Added ability to (destructively) import a comma-separated csv in the form of "line","description" for new users.
    • Added ability to join a line if you have no current entry for that line: go join 123456789 will be a selectable menu item once the line number entered is deemed valid (9-digit line)
    • Lastly, externalized some sanitization functions to keep code more lean.
  • 1.0.3: Fixed issue with "update" not working

    • The update action was clobbering the wrong entry on update, this is now fixed.
  • 1.0.2: allow numbers with dashes

    • Added better line number handling for gotomeeting lines (usually they're displayed as xxx-xxx-xxx, this is now handled correctly)
  • 1.0.1

    • initial release with basic CRUD functionality