
This generates a weekly plan template for Roam for the next week as described by Nat Eliason in his Effortless Output with Roam course at
updated 3 years 11 months ago

This generates a weekly review template for Roam to help you review what you've achieved in the past week and how you can improve.
updated 3 years 11 months ago

Generates a daily notes template for Roam including habits (fill in your own!), temporal sieve, and morning pages.
updated 3 years 11 months ago

Evernote workflow for Alfred 4
updated 3 years 8 months ago

An Alfred workflow for controlling Youtube Music playback in an open Youtube Music tab in Chrome.
updated 3 years 10 months ago

Search Roam Research page names through Alfred. Jump to daily page from anywhere. Jump to named page. Add content to daily pages. Dynamically configure in Roam.
updated 3 years 10 months ago

Search LastPass for usernames, sites and passwords
updated 3 years 2 months ago

Automates creating playgrounds & cleaning cache files via Xcode
updated 3 years 12 months ago

Alfred workflow for universal bookmark manager
updated 3 years 12 months ago

Alfred workflow for go/jira-cli
updated 3 years 12 months ago


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