
Create worklogs in JIRA
updated 3 years 8 months ago

Alfred Workflow for currencies conversion
updated 2 years 4 months ago

Allows you to create tunnels, get the url or sub-domain of the tunnel and access to the web inspection interface
updated 3 years 8 months ago

Allows you to know which country uses which calling code and vice versa
updated 3 years 9 months ago

Allows you to get a ressource as a JSON object from Twilio API (using Twilio CLI), simply by using Twilio console URL.
updated 3 years 9 months ago

Cite in Pandoc Markdown and convert it into .docs, .pdf, or .html with proper citations & bibliography
updated 3 years 1 month ago

Manage virtual MFA devices
updated 3 years 1 month ago

Easy way to get your Google Authenticator OTP
updated 3 years 9 months ago

Community supported workflow which allows you to search LaunchDarkly documentation.
updated 2 years 3 months ago

Access your recent or opened Pycharm projects.
updated 3 years 9 months ago


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