
Easy way to display and control (mirror) your Android device connected on USB (or over TCP/IP)
updated 2 years 3 months ago

Search and edit all Keyboard Maestro variables/clipboards in Alfred.
updated 3 years 10 months ago

An Alfred workflow to clone git repos like a master
updated 3 years 10 months ago

Quickly create a new sticky note.
updated 3 years 10 months ago

Alfred Workflow for TensorFlow, PyTorch API Docs
updated 3 years 10 months ago

Use sc to toggle sidecar (it will automatically select the first iPad on your AirPlay list)
updated 3 years 11 months ago

Toggle the scrolling direction
updated 3 years 11 months ago

A small Alfred Workflow for the ffmpeg library. You will need the ffmpeg library downloaded and installed.
updated 3 years 11 months ago

Instant Lark Docs Search
updated 3 years 11 months ago

An Symfony docs search workflow for Alfred 4.
updated 3 years 11 months ago


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