
Sourcegraph for Alfred 4 allows you to view Sourcegraph search results in Alfred, the macOS productivity app.
updated 3 years 1 month ago

Find your app in MacOS App Store
updated 3 years 2 months ago

Convert a Word Document to a PDF file, via file action or via hotkey when it is selected in Finder. Works on Big Sur and with Microsoft Word 2019.
updated 3 years 2 months ago

FUTBIN helper
updated 3 years 2 months ago

This is a simple launcher that gets a zoom link attached to an iCal event and launch zoom with that link
updated 3 years 3 months ago

This simple workflow allows you to easily hide and unhide folders in MacOS.
updated 3 years 3 months ago

Easily create and open a daily markdown note and bring unfinished tasks from yesterday
updated 3 years 3 months ago

This workflow is for JIRA Server users. If you are using JIRA Cloud, this workflow has not been tested on JIRA Cloud and may or may not work. The purpose is to allow searching JIRA through the Alfred keyword interface.
updated 3 years 3 months ago

[dis]connect openvpn via Viscostity
updated 3 years 3 months ago


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