
Boilerplate (v3)

(Alfred Theme)

[UPDATED - includes link for Alfred 3 theme]

A dark theme with a bold selected text background inspired by HTML5Boilerplate, which sadly no longer uses hot pink to let you know you've got some text selected. Selected items have a darker background with brighter, more saturated text to enhance contrast.

Packal doesn't like the base64-encoded Alfred 3 version of the theme (that now includes all the settings, including blur), here's theme share link (trust this screenshot though – the alfredapp share page doesn't currently show off the selection highlight). There's also a version with San Francisco set as the main font.

For those who are sticking with Alfred 2, I recommend using a blurred background to help keep busy backgrounds from making text hard to read; since that's a setting that I can't include in the theme, you can adjust the blur; I use the 4th strength available (out of 6).

Solarized Dark Small

(Alfred Theme)

A dark theme based on the Solarized colour scheme using smaller fonts.

Solarized Dark

(Alfred Theme)

A dark theme based on the Solarized colour scheme.

Dracula Theme

(Alfred Theme)

An alfred theme inspired by Zeno Rocha's Sublime Text theme. References:  http://zenorocha.github.io/dracula-theme/.


Predawn Twilight

(Alfred Theme)

I created a simplified Predawn theme with the Twilight orange instead of the default orange. Matches the color values exactly.


(Alfred Theme)

Inspired by the predawn-ui theme for Atom and Sublime Text.

OS X Yosemite Dark Transparent

(Alfred Theme)

Install by downloading the theme and double clicking it.

Make sure you're running the latest pre-release (Updates tab in Alfred Preferences). Enable Window Blur in Appearance > Options - I set it to max.

Latest version on Github



(Alfred Theme)

Simple dark theme, based on default dark theme but with less accents.

Dark Minimalism

(Alfred Theme)

Charcoal with clear blue highlights




Clean Dark Theme

(Alfred Theme)

A very clean and dark theme by k9ordon.

Best use with Blur Workflow by TylerEich


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