
Workflow for searching and opening Favorites in Transmit 4 App. It's really fast, because it reads the SQLite Database or XML datasource in latests releases of Transmit 4.
updated 10 years 1 month ago

This workflow calculates the route from the current location, a contact from your address book or a specified location to either the current location, a contact from your address book or a specified location.
updated 10 years 2 months ago

This workflow calculates the route from the current location to a contact from your address book, or a specified location with Google Maps
updated 10 years 2 months ago

quickly print (on your default printer) a file or some text
updated 10 years 2 months ago

Funnels selected text through a filter and replaces the selected text with the result.
updated 8 years 6 months ago

This wokflow shows or hides hidden files in Finder
updated 10 years 3 months ago

Do a right-click on Finder files, with the keyboard
updated 6 years 5 months ago

List and act on the contents of a directory
updated 5 years 1 month ago

Utilizing Google's API to generate an image of QRCode from what you typed or selected.
updated 10 years 3 months ago

An Alfred Extension that uses Google's URL Shortener API to shorten long URLs.
updated 10 years 3 months ago


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