A transparent theme.
Dark and Dim
(Alfred Theme)
Modified OS X Yosemite Dark to be transparent and have dimmer text and highlighting. For those who like working with low light and little glare.
Boilerplate (v3)
(Alfred Theme)
[UPDATED - includes link for Alfred 3 theme]
A dark theme with a bold selected text background inspired by HTML5Boilerplate, which sadly no longer uses hot pink to let you know you've got some text selected. Selected items have a darker background with brighter, more saturated text to enhance contrast.
Packal doesn't like the base64-encoded Alfred 3 version of the theme (that now includes all the settings, including blur), here's theme share link (trust this screenshot though – the alfredapp share page doesn't currently show off the selection highlight). There's also a version with San Francisco set as the main font.
For those who are sticking with Alfred 2, I recommend using a blurred background to help keep busy backgrounds from making text hard to read; since that's a setting that I can't include in the theme, you can adjust the blur; I use the 4th strength available (out of 6).
YOSEMITE - best design theme for MacOS 10.10 by i-NOVATiON
(Alfred Theme)
Enjoy clean design:
Yosemite i-NOVATiON Theme
- best yosemite style
- great typo design
- clean and transparent design
Have fun using our theme!!!
i-NOVATiON - mobile & web applications Application development for your company. Germany, 92637 Weiden, www.i-novation.de
(Alfred Theme)
(Alfred Theme)
A revamp of the beautiful dark and transparent SmokeHUD. Designed to work with all background colors and provide a modern feel.