Add Calendar Event

An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

Just type: cal [event] at [time] [on [date]] in [location] @[calendar name] alarm [X min|hour|day|month|year] ...

Last Updated

23 Jun 2016


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
Yes Yes Yes No No



Bundle ID



Workflow for Alfred 2 (or 3) to add an event in Calendar.

Just type:

cal [event] at [time][am|pm] [on [date]] [dur] [every] in [location] @[calendar name] alarm [X min|hour|day|month|year]

cal default


Just have in mind some keywords:

at - on - dur - every - in - @ - alarm


See some examples:

cal meet my mother at 15:00 on 10/03/2013 in ShoppingM @Personal alarm 0 minute 30 minutes 1 h 8 hours

Create an event, using "Personal" calendar, with 4 sound alarms - at the time of event, 30 minutes before, 1 hour before and 8 hours before.

Or just:

cal some important event at 9pm tomorrow dur 4 hours

Create an event tomorrow from 9pm to 1am

You can omit "at" for "all day event"


More examples:

cal event at 14 on 21 dur 1 h cal event at 14 tomorrow alarm 0 m 10 h 5 days 1 month 1 year cal event at 14 on 21/04 alarm 1 d 5 days cal event today cal event tomorrow cal event at 15 on 28/03/13 dur 4 days cal event on 25 every year cal event at 15 every monday cal event every month cal event at 15 on 28 in Museum alarm 10 d 2 months cal event at 11pm on 23 cal event at 10 pm today dur 2 h cal event at 9pm tomorrow alarm 5 days cal event at 11 am tomorrow cal event at 11 tomorrow cal event at 15 on friday cal event at 14 on mon cal event at 2pm on saturday cal event at 2pm on sat every day