- Converts color formats (e.g. turquoise → #40E0D0)
- Create code notations of colors from the OS X color panel
Supported formats:
- Hexadecimal → #8a2be2
- RGB → rgb(138, 43, 226)
- HSL → hsl(271, 76%, 53%)
- Named colors → blueviolet
- NSColor & UIColor
- colorWithRed: green: blue: alpha:
- colorWithHue: saturation: brightness: alpha:
- colorWithWhite: alpha:
- Supports Device and Calibrated notations
- Type a color notation* into Alfred. For CSS named colors, type 'c' followed by the color's name (e.g. 'c blueviolet')
- Press Command+C to copy, or press Return to paste immediately
- Command: Reveal selected color in the OS X color panel
- Option: Toggle alpha and copy
* Shorthand notations are supported. For example, 'ns .5 .8 .5' will expand to '[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 0.5 green: 0.8 blue: 0.5 alpha: 1]'