Folding Text Workflow

An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

A workflow for working with the

Last Updated

28 Jan 2015


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
No Yes Yes Yes Yes



Bundle ID



This workflow is a work in progress. As I come up with more things I want to do with Folding Text program, I will be adding to this workflow. If there is something you would like to see added, just let me know. Most of the functions I found on the FoldingText website and compiled them here for easy use.

This does the autofocus workflow. Move the todo at the current cursor to the bottom most “# Autofocus.todo” list. It creates one if there is not one.

Find the “@next” todo tag, makes it @done, and sets the next todo as @next.

Open the current file in

Gives a list of tags in the current document and will remove all the ones selected in the list.

ft:safari Get the front tab address and put it into Folding Text documents.

ft:chrome Get the front tabs from Chrome and put it into Folding Text document.

ft:countunfolded This will count all the characters, words, and lines of text that is not folded. Great for geting word counts of an article with all non-essential areas folded away!

ft:getvisible This copies all the unfolded text to the clipboard.

ft:open This will allow you to open any FoldingText, Markdown, or plain txt files in your home directory. It looks for the ‘ft’, ‘md’, ‘txt’ extensions.

ft:gototag This will list every tag in the topmost document. When you select one, all lines without that tag are folded away. Place the cursor in a line and unfold and you are there in the document.

ft:openfilelist This will open every file you have in the FoldingText file list.

ft:AddFile This file action allows you to place files in to your FoldingText file list.

ft:showfiles This shows you every file in your file list. Selecting one will open just that one file, or bring it to the front if it is already open. Select a file with cmd and the file will be taken off the list (but not touched on the HD).

ft:docs This gives a list of FoldingText documentation documents you can select and open. Added the documentation for the FoldingText URI handler.

ft:addurihandler This adds a system script to handle "ftdoc://" URIs by loading the file specified in FoldingText. It works to launch bookmarks to files and a location in the file.

ft:mbkmark This gets a URI for the current cursor location in the topmost FoldingText document and adds it to the bookmark list. You have to supply a name for the bookmark.

ft:bookmarks This shows every bookmark and allows you to open it, remove it (function key), or create a markdown link to the bookmark and paste into the topmost application (command key). If you type part of words with spaces, it will search the titles with wildcards between the parts. This make for faster searching.

Thanks to Robin Trew for supplying the handler and the AppleScript for generating bookmarks.


This allows you to add a message line to the end of a block with the @inbox tag.

This one will get a list of tags in the top FoldingText document. The user can select a tag and then give a message. That message will be added to the end of that tag node.

ft:setsearchtag This is used for the create tag files directory command for the Alfred browser. It allows for setting the different tags to make tag files. You can add or remove tags to search.

Set Tag File Directory This sets the current directory in the Alfred Browser to the directory for creating tag search files.

Create Tag File This will take the directory in Alfred Browser and search for files with the ft extensions. Those files will be listed with the lines containing the tag set using the ft:setsearchtag command.

Site Layout This is a File Action that you can trigger in the Alfred browser on directories only. When you run it, it creates a file of the directory structure there down with clickable links to each file for FoldingText. You have to have the FoldingText URI handler installed. Once created, it will open the file in FoldingText.