
An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

Alfred ⇄ YouTube account automation

Last Updated

01 Apr 2014


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
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Bundle ID


Alfred ⇄ YouTube account automation

This workflow allows you to view your profile, view your subscription feed, edit or create new playlists, and search YouTube from Alfred.

Script Filters

The script filters in OmniTube include:

  1. YouFeed lists all of your subscription's recent uploads.
  2. YouProfile shows basic information about your account and gives you access to your playlists.
  3. YouPopular lists the most popular videos of today.
  4. YouHistory shows your recent viewing history.
  5. YouVideo, YouChannel, and YouPlaylist allows you to search all of YouTube.

By using the keyword you in Alfred the following results appear.

OmniTube - All Options

When you use YouFeed OmniTube will quickly download the required user thumbnails and display your subscription's most recent uploads.

OmniTube - Feed

The YouProfile command will give you a general overview of your YouTube account as well as allow you to view and edit any of your playlists.

OmniTube - Profile

YouPopular will list out the most interesting videos posted that day.

OmniTube - Popular

By using the YouHistory option, you can either view your recent video views or clear your history completely.

OmniTube - History

Action Modifiers

There are many default action modifiers within OmniTube.

  1. CTRL will usually allow you to add or remove a video to or from your Watch Later playlist.
  2. ALT will usually allow you to add or remove a video to or from your Favorites playlist.
  3. CMD will give you downloading options according to the highlighted selection.
  4. FN will copy the URL of the highlighted selection.
  5. SHIFT will allow you to save the video to a specific playlist on your account.


Package Information

Author Contact Package Version
Ritashugisha [email protected] 3.8a

OmniTube is currently licensed under the GNU GPLv3 Free Software License.


  1. Requests v2.3.0+
  2. Selenium 2.40.0+
  3. Splinter 0.6.0+
  4. CocoaDialog 3.0.0-beta7

Note: All dependencies are installed and configured with default package. Python2.7+ is required to run all dependencies.

Theme Optimization

This package now contains theme optimization. This allows OmniTube to analyze the current user's theme and change between white and black icons.

Theme optimization has this one dependency.


No more having to download either a white or black themed workflow.

© 2014 Ritashugisha.

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