
Launching iOS simulator using a keyword
updated 5 years 7 months ago

Uses the stock URL scheme for putting text into Drafts for Mac through Alfred
updated 5 years 3 months ago

Turn on/off a preset yeelight bulb
updated 5 years 8 months ago

Submit a notification to your Mac
updated 5 years 9 months ago

Makes it easy to work with epoch timestamps!
updated 2 months 1 week ago

A simple Nanoleaf effect switcher
updated 5 years 11 months ago

Quickly get directions via Google Maps from current location to provided destination or place of interest.
updated 6 years 2 weeks ago

Access hyper-localized weather forecasts quickly via Dark Sky
updated 6 years 2 weeks ago

An Alfred Workflow to Quickly Search the Laravel Nova Documentation
updated 6 years 1 month ago


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