
Quickly look up and paste ESV bible passages!
updated 6 years 9 months ago

Temporarily mute your Mac with a few keystrokes. Works great to skip commercials during sporting events.
updated 7 years 7 months ago

Change a screenshot extension
updated 8 years 1 day ago

Moves all overdue tasks to today in Todoist
updated 6 years 7 months ago

Quits Applications or sets focus to the selected window.
updated 8 years 2 days ago

Toggle dotfiles (hidden files) on macOS
updated 8 years 3 days ago

This Alfred workflow allows you to control your Moom app within Alfred 3.
updated 8 years 1 week ago

Open the local with port address
updated 8 years 2 weeks ago

Workflow used to track your shipments on 17Track.net
updated 8 years 1 month ago

Alfred worflow for Zebra interaction
updated 8 years 1 month ago


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