
Save folder path to the file and restore the window quickly next time.
updated 3 years 9 months ago

Opens a new AirDrop window in Finder, or brings an existing one to the front.
updated 4 years 7 months ago

Search and open you projects or folders in VSCode.
updated 3 years 5 months ago

Adds current OS X Selection to the Buffer
updated 7 years 2 weeks ago

Set color label of selected Finder items with a keyword
updated 7 years 9 months ago

Change a screenshot extension
updated 7 years 11 months ago

Toggle dotfiles (hidden files) on macOS
updated 7 years 11 months ago

Opens directory in foremost window of finder in iTerm2.
updated 8 years 1 month ago

Create, open, select, move and delete multiple files with a certain extension in the current directory.
updated 8 years 1 month ago


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