
Alfred interface for Anki
updated 9 years 3 months ago

Toggle your bluetooth on or off, indicates whether it's currently on or off
updated 9 years 3 months ago

Reproduit le rire de Christophe Lambert et fait peur aux chiens
updated 9 years 4 months ago

A soundboard for alfred at your fingertips
updated 9 years 4 months ago

This workflow returns a BOFH excuse.
updated 9 years 5 months ago

Visually show the difference between two files and optionally merge the files
updated 9 years 5 months ago

Control Flux using Alfred and Alfred Remote
updated 9 years 5 months ago

Manage your presentations in Keynote with Remote
updated 9 years 5 months ago

List Product Hunt today's hunts
updated 9 years 5 months ago

Let's you assign a hotkey to lock your Mac OS X to a screensaver screen.
updated 9 years 6 months ago


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