
Displays a monthly calendar with Alfred Workflow.
updated 9 years 1 month ago

Browse Reddit from Alfred
updated 8 years 10 months ago

Generate random Bard-inspired insults.
updated 9 years 9 months ago

Convert units, currency, length, weight, etc.
updated 7 years 10 months ago

Search dongers (unicode emoticons) easily
updated 8 years 4 months ago

Provides easy access to Base CRM contacts, leads, and deals inside Alfred 2 (plus caching!).
updated 9 years 10 months ago

Turn on/off Bluetooth using applescript.
updated 9 years 11 months ago

Alfred workflow to search for telephone numbers of coworkers through an Active Directory/LDAP directory.
updated 8 years 6 months ago

Uses Yosemite's Handoff feature to call the inputted phone number from your iPhone
updated 9 years 11 months ago


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