
A workflow that allows Alfred to interact with all parts of iMessage
updated 7 years 6 months ago

Schedule Scripts with Alfred
updated 10 years 1 month ago

An example workflow to show how the Alfred Dependency Bundler works
updated 10 years 1 month ago

List, search and run/open AppleScripts for the active application
updated 7 years 9 months ago

Send a phone number from your Mac (Contact, selected text or manual entry) to your iPhone for quick-dialling. (Requires Prowl.)
updated 10 years 4 months ago

Ping TCP ports from Alfred
updated 9 years 9 months ago

Toggle Bluetooth power on and off
updated 10 years 5 months ago

Control boot2docker
updated 9 years 9 months ago

command freebox revolution TV player (French set-top box)
updated 10 years 5 months ago

Create and paste UUIDs
updated 10 years 6 months ago


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