
An Alfred workflow which enables you to use a keyboard shortcut to go to the homepage of a website you are on.
updated 4 years 3 months ago

Search the React documentation using Alfred
updated 2 years 2 months ago

Get local URI for OmniOutliner, Web, OmniFocus, File, Evernote, Mail.
updated 4 years 9 months ago

Reloads all tabs in frontmost safari window.
updated 5 years 4 days ago

quick search youtube playlist, creating video-bookmarks with tags
updated 5 years 2 months ago

Open the text as a http://go/<text> link your default browser.
updated 5 years 10 months ago

Search tabs in Safari and Chrome (also supports WebKit, Chromium, Chrome Canary and Vivaldi)
updated 6 years 7 months ago

Search Safari Browse History from Alfred
updated 6 years 9 months ago

Enable PiP mode in Safari if a video is playing in the foreground.
updated 7 years 3 months ago

Alfred workflow to switch between open windows in the system and Safari tabs.
updated 4 years 3 months ago


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