
Easily search Jisho.org, a powerful Japanese-English online dictionary and instantly display results in Alfred.
updated 2 years 5 months ago

Ancient Chinese explanation inquiry from zdic.net
updated 4 years 2 weeks ago

Easily and quickly search Jisho.org, a powerful Japanese-English dictionary.
updated 7 years 3 months ago

Search Power Thesaurus synonyms and antonyms from Alfred
updated 4 years 1 month ago

A workflow for searching the definitive Japanese dictionary at http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp
updated 7 years 11 months ago

This is a workflow for translate-shell CLI utility.
updated 8 years 2 weeks ago

An Esperanto dictionary
updated 8 years 3 months ago

This Alfred workflow uses the offline translation databases provided by dict.cc.
updated 6 years 10 months ago

Translate English and Japanese words with Jisho.org
updated 8 years 7 months ago


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