Alfred Faker

An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

Generate fake data

Last Updated

18 Jun 2015


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



Bundle ID




When designing or developing I regularly need some fake data : a name, an email address, a credit card number, some dummy text, etc.

I used the wonderful Faker package by Francois Zaninotto to create an Alfredworkflow for those moments when I quickly need some fake data.

Once you have installed the workflow, you can generate fake data by bringing up Alfred and typing the faker command followed by the type of fake data you wish to generate. i.e. faker name

The Faker package allows you to generate many types of different data. Here are some examples :

  • word, sentence, paragraph, text, …
  • name, firstname, firstNameMale, firstNameFemale, lastName, …
  • address, postcode, city, latitude, longitude, …
  • phonenumber
  • date, month, year, …
  • email, safeEmail, username, password, url, …
  • creditCardType, creditCardNumber, …

You can find the full list on the Faker github page.

You can change the locale used by Faker for generating localized data. If no localized provider is found, the factory fallbacks to the default locale (en_EN).

To change the locale, bring up Alfred and type the fakerlocale command followed by the locale of your choice. i.e. fakerlocale fr_FR

