
Search and browse Microsoft OneNote notebooks, section groups, sections or pages, then jump to them instantly.
updated 3 years 7 months ago

Search the Flask documentation using Alfred and Algolia
updated 2 years 2 months ago

Search the Django documentation using Alfred
updated 2 years 2 months ago

npm packages quick search
updated 5 years 11 months ago

Sourcegraph Alfred Workflow
updated 8 years 1 month ago

Unbelievably fast entry for tasks with due dates, reminders, and recurrence in Wunderlist
updated 6 years 8 months ago

Initialize Python coding environment (virtualenv) open toolset (IDE / SASS Compiler / SourceRepo)
updated 8 years 8 months ago

Workflow to list and start python virtualenvs (assumes you and have virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper installed).
updated 9 years 4 months ago

Search from Alfred
updated 7 years 1 month ago

Generates a new random string suitable for use as a SECRET_KEY in Django apps
updated 9 years 10 months ago


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