
Get the latest official Ubuntu AMI ID for use with Amazon AWS EC2
updated 3 years 5 months ago

Obtain a TOTP code from a YubiKey
updated 3 years 5 months ago

Use this workflow to join a zoom-meeting using an ID or one of your bookmarks.
updated 2 years 12 months ago

The workflow integrates Calendly API v2
updated 3 years 6 months ago

Open project with Project Manager in VSCode
updated 3 years 6 months ago

Alfred Workflow for UniFi controllers
updated 1 year 6 months ago

Create a QR-Code from Alfred
updated 3 years 6 months ago

SmartThings Workflow for new API
updated 2 years 3 months ago

Easy access to running docker containers
updated 3 years 7 months ago

manage OTP tokens right from Alfred
updated 3 years 7 months ago


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