
Display the most recently played song on BBC 6music radio station.
updated 8 years 2 months ago

Search iTunes Music Store for albums and songs
updated 8 years 8 months ago

Allows you to apply ★ and ♥ to your current iTunes track using hotkeys.
updated 8 years 9 months ago

Uses a hotkey to apply a rating to the current track. If it's less than 3, it's goes to the next track automatically.
updated 8 years 9 months ago

Seeks backwards & forwards in iTunes
updated 8 years 10 months ago

Sends commands to Denon AVR units.
updated 8 years 10 months ago

Pronounce a word with Audio Pronunciation Service from Google
updated 9 years 1 month ago

Control the volume of your Mac
updated 9 years 1 month ago

Searches and plays sounds
updated 7 years 2 months ago

Control SoundCloud via Chrome
updated 9 years 3 months ago


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