
Show animated doppler radar for local area using quicklook. (US only for now)
updated 8 years 12 hours ago

The best Bitcoin Faucets on the web. Easy Claims and no need to claim every few minutes.
updated 8 years 1 week ago

Search and get links for GIFs on Giphy with Alfred
updated 8 years 1 week ago

Loads a daily list of events from Google and/or Exchange calendars
updated 7 years 1 week ago

Alfred workflow that displays status of well known services like GitHub, Twitter and more.
updated 8 years 3 weeks ago

Copy an open browser tab as hyperlink
updated 8 years 1 month ago

updated 8 years 2 months ago

A workflow to control your LIFX smart bulbs.
updated 6 years 7 months ago

Generate fake CPF/CNPJ numbers for testing
updated 5 years 2 months ago


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