
Calculates the missing number in a ratio equation.
updated 8 years 8 months ago

Opens a URL or else performs a Google search
updated 9 years 10 months ago

Add reminders to the default Reminders list
updated 9 years 10 months ago

Create or open a Swift Playground through Alfred.
updated 10 years 1 month ago

Save and reuse files, directory structures, and urls
updated 6 years 8 months ago

Workflow to interact with SizeUp to manage applications's windows
updated 10 years 2 months ago

Download & Install the latest chromium build.
updated 10 years 2 months ago

Control f.lux with Alfred
updated 9 years 12 months ago

Search BibDesk from the comfort of your keyboard
updated 10 years 2 months ago


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