
An Alfred Workflow provides ability to search and kill process by Port and Process Name
updated 4 years 13 hours ago

Search and open you projects or folders in VSCode.
updated 3 years 2 months ago

This workflow provides the current value to buy some currencies like dollar, euro and pound in exchange houses at Brazil, based on information provided by Melhor Câmbio website.
updated 5 years 5 months ago

This workflow calculates the Golden ratio and Silver ratio.
updated 8 years 9 months ago

A workflow that transforms a url into new one that allows some formats such as "Github Flavored Markdown link" or "shorten url" and so on.
updated 8 years 11 months ago

This workflow calculates the longer and shorter side of the golden ratio for any given number.
updated 7 years 3 weeks ago

Toggle Mac OS X's native rubber band (i.e., elastic) scrolling on or off
updated 9 years 2 months ago

Make a request to Linguee for english and french words
updated 9 years 9 months ago

Search from the comfort of Alfred
updated 8 years 10 months ago

Lists and installs the most recent applications from your Downloads folder
updated 10 years 1 month ago


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