
A workflow to spin up local front-end web development environments. Ludicrously fast.
updated 4 years 11 months ago

Open SSH/SFTP/mosh connections from Alfred 3 with autosuggestion of known hosts
updated 7 years 7 months ago

An Alfred 3 workflow which allows for the fast creation of new documents and folders.
updated 8 years 2 months ago

Open currently selected Finder (or Path Finder) window in Terminal (or iTerm2) and vice versa
updated 8 years 7 months ago

Alfred workflow to open a new Terminal/iTerm window in the current space. Holding the alt key, the new window will be opened in the current frontmost Finder folder.
updated 7 years 11 months ago

Initialize Python coding environment (virtualenv) open toolset (IDE / SASS Compiler / SourceRepo)
updated 8 years 8 months ago

Provide a minimal wrapper over the pass password manager (passwordstore.org)
updated 6 years 10 months ago

Search OS X Terminal commands by keyword
updated 9 years 5 months ago

Opens iTerm Window/Tab to Specified Folder
updated 8 years 2 months ago

Open UNIX man pages in any of traditional Terminal, HTML or PDF format
updated 2 years 4 months ago


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