Files and Folders

Search or create a note in nvALT from Alfred.
updated 8 years 8 months ago

A QRcode generator with python-qrcode for Alfred Workflows
updated 8 years 8 months ago

Upload files and folders to Jumpshare
updated 8 years 8 months ago

Alfred workflow to open a new Terminal/iTerm window in the current space. Holding the alt key, the new window will be opened in the current frontmost Finder folder.
updated 8 years 3 weeks ago

Resize an image, selected in Finder, to a target width
updated 2 years 7 months ago

Scan and convert PDF documents and images of text into editable and searchable files.
updated 8 years 8 months ago

Helps you find and copy SSH public key to Clipboard or even creates shell script to help you generate ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
updated 2 years 6 months ago

Securely empties the trash
updated 8 years 10 months ago

Opens a folder in Finder
updated 8 years 10 months ago


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