Text Manipulation

Formats the link, name, and description of a github repo into a markdown-formatted note on the clipboard
updated 9 years 7 months ago

String and file hash calculator
updated 9 years 8 months ago

An editor for Alfred.
updated 9 years 7 months ago

Generate fake test data in Alfred
updated 8 years 7 months ago

Manage your Gmail inbox with Alfred
updated 5 years 8 months ago

Convert units, currency, length, weight, etc.
updated 7 years 9 months ago

A Input method workflow based on Google Input Tools
updated 9 years 1 month ago

Simple workflow for quick translations en-ru and vise versa using google translate
updated 9 years 10 months ago

Run and save regular expressions!
updated 9 years 9 months ago

A case converter in Swift.
updated 9 years 10 months ago


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