Theme List


Been trying to build some themes based on popular colour palettes I'm found online. Thought this one turned out quite nicely.


Popular Monokai Theme

Vintage Term

This is my favorite theme.  Subtle but effective.

Terminal By Design

This theme is a good mimic of my iTerm theme.


Retro theme based on Retrofukation Wallpapers:

Giba Light Blue Theme

Simple and elegant light blue theme.

Alfred Purple

A minimal purple theme, semi-opaque. A little homage to Alfreds wondeful hat.

Spring is in the air

A theme with light green, brown and some red blooming.

FP: Spotlight

Looks like the spotlight search bar. It's a little bit transparent.


Azure is a beautiful white-blue theme focused on providing a crisp modern feeling.  


An elegant, dark, and minimalistic theme focusing on selection emphasis and icon contrast for all workflow icons. This is my preferred theme while being productive with Alfred.

Lookfar Solarized Dark

Inspired by Ethan Schoonover's Solarized system, Lookfar Solarized Dark is a minimal light theme with sharp corners and transparency. This can be paired with the complimentary Lookfar Solarized Light theme for day/...

Lookfar Solarized Light

Inspired by Ethan Schoonover's Solarized system, Lookfar Solarized Light is a minimal light theme with sharp corners and transparency. This can be paired with the complimentary Lookfar Solarized Dark ...


minimalistic theme inspired by so many others but with emphasis on simplicity. only three neutral levels of grey: 16, 96 and 240. [darkel]( is the dark version of [lightel](http://...


minimalistic theme inspired by so many others but with emphasis on simplicity. only three neutral levels of grey: 16, 96 and 240. [lightel]( is the light version of [darkel](http...

Shiori Style

A theme based on the app Shiori, which has an Alfred-style interface for searching your Pinboard bookmarks (and a solid interface for adding bookmarks). For those who use Shiori, you can drag the sides of the...


Simple dark theme with sharp edges and no fuss.

Clear Light Mind

noun, \ˈklir • ˈlīt • ˈmīnd\ 1: A crisp, clean, modern, (dare I say sexy even?) very easy on the eyes theme that looks great with almost any background. Doesn't show off too much but it's not...


Simple subtle theme with just a punch of color.

Smooth Teal

A simple dark teal green theme using Lucida Grande

Orange Milkshake

A light, clean and easy to eyes theme to match OS X overall look and feel when used with orange highlight color. System preferences.. General.. Highlight color:Orange.

Unibody Light

Made to match OS X's aethetic. Monochromatic with a blue accent. Attractive and very usable. Dark Version


A dark theme, with emphasis on the selection.

Simple Gold

A lightly golden theme Futura at the helm.

Olive Drab

An Alfred theme inspired by Willys Jeeps and early WWII US uniforms (OD #3). Flat, low contrast, and relaxing.

Minimal Light

A light and crisp Alfred theme. Minimal, but without sacrificing usability.


A colorscheme that somewhat reflects the desert — but in a more pastel-y way.

Alfred Forum

A large type, bold theme based on the Alfred Forum color scheme.

Tomorrow Night Bright

Based on the Tomorrow Night Bright theme

Unibody Dark

Made to match OS X's aethetic. Monochromatic with a blue accent. Attractive and very usable. Light Version

Mostly Transparent

A theme to test the website functionality. The theme is, as its name implies, mostly transparent.